Muslim Charity Distributes Ramazan Ration Packages In Mardan

Muslim Charity distributes Ramazan ration packages in Mardan

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Mar, 2024) Under the auspices of Muslim Charity, ration packages were distributed among needy people.

A total of 355 needy people men received ration and flour bags as part of the Ramazan package, supervised by Muslim Charity. The packages included essential items such as flour, ghee, sugar, pulses, rice, dates, and more.

Amid the distribution of the Ramazan package, a ceremony was held at a private educational institution in Mardan.

Hassan Hassas, organizer of the program from the Labor Education Organization, emphasized the values of patience, perseverance, and cooperation with the needy and the poor, taught by the month of Ramazan.

He highlighted the importance of providing assistance to orphans, widows, and the less fortunate during this sacred month, which brings double rewards.

The objective of Muslim Charity is to uplift deserving individuals and provide them with dignified employment opportunities.

Aram Atiya, Chairman of the Labor Education Organization, praised Muslim Charity for its commitment to charitable principles and donations.

She highlighted the organization's dedication to humanity, education, skill development, and poverty alleviation across numerous countries.