National Voters' Day Observed In KP, Fata


National voters' Day observed in KP, Fata

PESHAWAR, Dec 7 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 07th Dec, 2016 ) : Like other parts of the country, national voters day was observed in Khyber Pakthunkhwa and Fata to create awareness among masses especially young voters about importance of votes in democratic form of government.

Walks, declamation contests, workshops and seminars besides talk shows were the main features of the day in KP and Fata where the speakers highlighted importance of national voters day and participation of young voters in election process.

In this connection, a major awareness function was held at Governor House Peshawar arranged by Provincial Election Commission presided over by Governor KP Engr Iqbal Zafar Jahgra. Provincial Election Commissioner Musarat Khan, member Election Commission of Pakistan Justice Retd Mrs Irshad Qaiser, ministers, MPAs and other segment of the society attended in large number.

In his brief address, the Governor said democracy was the best system in the world as the governments are formed on the basis of votes in a democratic countries. He urged voters' especially young lots to register their votes so that they could exercise their right of franchise in 2018 elections in effective manner and play role in decision making process.

The Governor said local government election in Fata would be held in Fata next year to bring tribal areas into mainstream. He said the Government was endeavoring to bring reforms in Fata in line with wishes and aspirations of tribal masses and a high level committee has been constituted for Fata reforms.

The governor said repatriation of TDPs was the top priority of the government and efforts would be made to return them by end of this year. The TDPs who could not return this year due to some reasons would be repatriated by March next year.

Provincial Election Commissioner Musarrat Khan said the objective of this program under National Voters Day was to create awareness among masses about importance of votes. He said impartial, free and neutral election was imperative for sustainable democracy and development, which could only be achieved through power of votes.

He said creating awareness amongst voters is a national cause which needs support from all stakeholders especially media and LG representatives regarding awareness and education of young voters.

The National Voters Day was also observed in Fata with enthusiasm where the speakers underlined the need for registration of young voters with ECP and introduction of electronic voting system for upcoming election in the country.

In this connection, a function was held at Kurram Agency's headquarter Parachinar attended by Assistant Political Agent Upper Kurram Agency Shahid Ali Khan, Agency Election Commissioner Muhammad Irshad and Election Officer Nasrullah Khan besides politicians and tribal elders in large number.

The speakers said National Voters Day was a positive step that would help create widespread awareness among masses especially in young voters in a democratic system. The speakers said change of governments through votes as per the Constitution, strengthens the democratic process thereby heralding new vistas of peace, happiness and development.

Greater participation of voters in election puts positive pressure on the governing institutions to work for the well being of the people. They said participation of voters in large number is also directly related to creating a conducive environment in and around the polling stations to ensure free and fair elections which is a mandate of the Constitution and shall shape the destiny of the nation.

Activities around the National Voters Day including engagement of the voters to know where their votes are registered and how to logistically and freely reach to polling station, is very important for exercise of this constitutional right.

The speakers urged electronic and print media to regularly present programmes and features for education of young voters essential for sustainable democratic system in the country. The speakers appreciated holding of LG elections in Fata and demanded merger of Fata into Khyber Pakthunkhwa.