No Negligence To Be Tolerated During Anti-polio Drive

No negligence to be tolerated during Anti-polio drive

Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi Hasan Waqar Cheema on Thursday said that a seven-day anti-polio campaign would be commenced across the district on February 26

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi Hasan Waqar Cheema on Thursday said that a seven-day anti-polio campaign would be commenced across the district on February 26.

He expressed these views while presiding over the administrative review meeting of the anti-polio campaign here at his office.

The DC directed the officials to perform their duty as a national responsibility and each department nominated their focal persons to make the campaign successful.

He said staff deployed for the campaign has been issued special instructions and told that no negligence would be tolerated.

On the occasion, the health official briefed the meeting that around 786,877 children under five years of age would be vaccinated against the Polio.

He informed that 3,675 mobile teams have been formed while 245 Union Council Medical Officers and 870 area in-charges would participate in the drive, adding children would also be immunized at 163 entry and exit points of the district.