Old Enmity Claims Two Lives


Old enmity claims two lives

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Two persons including a woman were killed,while another suffered injuries over old enmity here at Chak 50 NB on Wednesday.

Satellite police said that Amir Shehzad (38), Riffat (33) r/o Mandi Bahawal Din and their car driver Asmatullah were heading to Sargodha to offer condolence of their relative.

When they reached Lahore Road their rival Shoukat along with his three armed accomplices opened fire at them,killing both of them on the spot and inflicting injuries to the driver.

On getting information,police concerned and Rescue 1122 teams reached the spot, shifted the victims to hospital for legal formalities.