One-dish Policy For Weddings; Admin Checks Over 1142 Marriage Halls, Marquees


One-dish policy for weddings; admin checks over 1142 marriage halls, marquees

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Dec, 2023) Rawalpindi District administration, in its ongoing operation launched to ensure implementation of a one-dish policy for weddings across the district, checked over 1142 marriage halls and marquees in November.

According to Deputy Commissioner (DC) Rawalpindi, violations of the Marriage Act 2016 were found in 81 places.

He informed me that a fine amounting to over Rs 4 million was imposed on the rule violators, while FIRs were also lodged against two marriage hall and marquee owners. 10 wedding halls and marquees were also sealed during the operations.

The DC said that implementation of the Marriage Act 2016 was being ensured, adding that the implementation of the Marriage Act 2016 is essential to promoting equality policy.

Marriage halls and marquees were being checked in all tehsils of the district, including Rawalpindi city, he added.

According to a district administration spokesman, Punjab’s caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi had issued instructions for strict observance of the policy of one-dish and the timely closure of banquet halls for wedding ceremonies.

Taking notice of the violation of government policy, the CM ordered the Commissioners and DCs to ensure strict implementation of the policy of one-dish and timely closure of banquet halls for wedding functions.

The CM had directed the authorities concerned to ensure that the banquet halls followed the instructions regarding one-dish and closure by 10:00 p.m.

He informed that the same policy should be observed for wedding ceremonies taking place at farmhouses.

The administration had made it clear that no leniency would be observed towards the violators, the spokesman informed.
