PA Session Adjourned Till Tuesday

PA session adjourned till Tuesday

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Nov, 2016 ) : The Punjab Assembly session was adjourned after few hours of its commencement owing to lack of quorum without taking up legislative agenda, on Monday, The session commenced two hours and 15 minutes behind its scheduled time with Speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal in the chair.

The proceedings of the session remained suspended for 36 minutes due to journalists' boycott on the issue of ban on a channel. The house did not take up legislative business appearing on Orders of the Day.

Six out of 18 starred questions were responded by the government during Question Hour while seven questions could not be taken up due to absence of the movers. PTI lawmakers pointed out quorum on which the Speaker suspended the proceedings for 15 minutes and ordered for ringing bells.

However, the treasury could not fetch the required strength upon resumption of proceedings and the Chair adjourned the sitting till Tuesday morning.