Pakistan Air War College Delegation Visits AJK Capital


Pakistan Air War College delegation visits AJK capital

The 37th Air war course of Pakistan Air war college delegation visited Muzaffarabad on Friday. The delegation was received by AJK Chief Secretary Dauod Ahmed Badech and other high officials

MUZAFFARABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 1st Mar, 2024) The 37th Air war course of Pakistan Air war college delegation visited Muzaffarabad on Friday. The delegation was received by AJK Chief Secretary Dauod Ahmed Badech and other high officials.

The AJK Chief Secretary briefed in detail the delegation in the Kashmir Institute of Management Hall regarding the governance system of the territory, economy, investment, its historical and Geographic, geo strategic background and other challenges.

The cabinet Ministers, Secretaries and other high officials of the AJK government including Finance Minister Abdul Majid Khan,Additional Chief Secretary General and Development Midhat Shahzad, Secretary Services and General Administration Zaffar Muhammad Khan, Secretary PND Amir Latif Awan, Special Secretary Revenue Rashid Hanif and Principal Kashmir Institute of Management(KIM)Brigadier Rtd. Akhter Hussain Shah and others were also present on the occasion.

The AJK Finance Minister Abdul Majid Khan and AJK Chief Secretary Dauod Ahmed Badech responded the queries from the participants.

While Responding the queries, the Minister Abdul Majid Khan told the participants that after expelling the article 370 and 35- A from its constitution by Indian government and other such negative tactics played by India couldn’t harm the relationship between Kashmiri and Pakistani people, as the Kashmiri people are by choice Pakistani and Pakistan also give sacrifices for their Kashmiri brothers and sisters and Kashmiri people responded with the same spirit and gesture which is reciprocal from both sides, he added.

The AJK Chief Secretary Dauod Ahmed also responded the questions of the participants and said that India in 1947 itself took the Kashmir issue in UNSC and promised with Kashmiri people to give the right of plebiscite to Kashmiri people under the UN charter as the aspirations of Kashmiri people but at the passage of time all respective governments of India denied to fulfill its promise.

He said that every election in Azad Kashmir reflects the plebiscite in view that the liberated territory has its own parliamentary and democratic system and the people enjoy all kinds of their basic rights and on the contrary the situation in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir is totally different where the Kashmiri people have deprived of from their basic rights and continued its state sponsored terrorism against Kashmiri people by Indian rulers and usurped all kinds of their rights including the right to self-determination he added.

The delegation was also briefed regarding the potential of tourism and route linkage between Azad Kashmir and Gilgat Bultistan (GB) and said that we have tremendous and vast potential of tourism and avenues of foreign investment to develop the area and AJK government has taken numerous measures in this regard and saying that we have 80 % literacy rate in the liberated area which is the highest in the country and our youth is utilizing their potential in different fields within the country and abroad who are playing a vital role in boosting up the state economy.

At the culmination of the Meeting , the delegation led by Deputy Air Commodore Raja Imran thanked to AJK Finance Minister Abdul Majid Khan and AJK Chief Secretary Dauod Ahmed on behalf of delegation for hosting and giving a detailed briefing which was very informative for them, he said.

The Finance Minister and Chief secretary exchanged the shields with Delegate Head Air Commodore Raja Imran.