Pakistan To Continue Extending Moral, Political, Diplomatic Support To


Pakistan to continue extending moral, political, diplomatic support to

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) : Parliamentary Secretary for Information, and Broadcasting Mohsin Shah Nawaz Ranjha Friday said Pakistan would continue to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to people of Indian Held Kashmir.

Talking to APP here, he said efforts were being made to aware international community about brutalities of Indian forces being committed in occupied Kashmir to suppress innocent Kashmiris ahead the United Nations General Assembly session, scheduled to be held in the current month.

Mohsin Ranjha, who was appointed as representative of Pakistan to Turkey for lobbying on Kashmir issue, said the Prime Minister had decided to send parliamentary delegations to various countries to inform the world community about Indian aggression against innocent Kashmiri people.

Improved contacts with leading countries, he said, would have far- reaching impact, paving the way to resolve the issue as per wishes of Kashmiris.

He said UN's attention would be drawn for its role in implementing the resolutions passed by the Security Council with regard to giving people of Kashmir their legitimate right to self-determination.

Ranjha said India has been creating hurdles in implementation of UN resolution, denying self-determination right to people of Kashmir for for the last over 60 years. The delegation would draw the attention of world community about using of prohibited weapons by Indian forces against innocent Kashmiris.

Sending delegates to different countries, he said, was aimed at bringing the international community on one page about the Kashmir issue. To a question, the Parliamentary Secretary said the struggle of Kashmiri people for their legitimate right to self-determination was totally indigenous.

He urged the world community to shun double standard and play their due role in implementing the UN resolutions to give right of self- determination to Kashmiris.