Petition Seeking Ban On MQM Filed

Petition seeking ban on MQM filed

MUZAFFARABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th August, 2016) : A petition has been filed with Deputy Chief Election Commissioner seeking ban on Muthida Qaumi Movment (MQM) in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and deletion of its name from the list of political parties for being involved in anti state activities. The petition has been filed by Pak-Kashmir friends Forum, a lesser known body with the election commission of Azad Jammu and Kashmir here on Monday.

The petition said that the MQM chief was involved in anti state activities for the past many years and had been speaking bitter against the country which had strengthened the forces working against Pakistan and the Kashmir freedom movement. The petitioner prayed the election commission to delete its name from the list of political parties working in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and and impose a ban on its activities in the area on the basis of stated facts.