PML-N Abbottabad Announces New District Office-Bearers Following Reorganization


PML-N Abbottabad announces new District Office-Bearers following reorganization

District President Muslim League-N (PML-N) Malik Mohabbat Awan and General Secretary Zulfiqar Javed Abbasi Thursday announced the new office bearers following the reorganization of the PML-N

ABBOTTABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) District President Muslim League-N (PML-N) Malik Mohabbat Awan and General Secretary Zulfiqar Javed Abbasi Thursday announced the new office bearers following the reorganization of the PML-N.

District President Malik Mohabbat Awan emphasized the importance of party workers, calling them the true strength of the party. He reiterated his commitment to advocating for workers’ rights and acknowledged those who remained loyal to the party during challenging times as invaluable assets.

District Information Secretary Sohail Awan detailed the reorganization process, announcing the new office-bearers for the PML-N district Abbottabad. The key appointments are as follows:

Deputy General Secretary Khurram Khan Jadoon, District Information Secretary Malik Sohail Awan, Senior Vice Presidents Shakeel Mughal, Sardar Khalid Subedar (R) Vice Presidents Sardar Hanif, Usman Sehgal, Sardar Master Ilyas, Inayat Shah, Babar Khan Tanoli, Malik Jameel, Malik Naveed Hayakhan, Nasir Khan Jadoon, Haji Javed Khan, Malik Yasir, Hafiz Abbasi, Haji Javed Qureshi, Sajid Awan, Arshad Iqbal Rabbani, Ali Akbar Qureshi, Sardar Zahid Rashid, Malik Wajid, Sardar Shaukat, Chaudhry Taj, Malik Asif Joint Secretaries: Adnan Pasha, Haji Shahnaz, Rashid Khan Jadoon

District President Malik Mohabbat Awan and District General Secretary Zulfiqar Javed Abbasi congratulated the newly elected office-bearers, urging them to disseminate the party leader Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif’s narrative to every household.

They emphasized the PML-N leadership’s policy of respecting workers, underscoring that the party stands for an ideology and thought.