Presence Of Duty Staff Being Ensured To Curb Smoking/drug Use In


Presence of duty staff being ensured to curb smoking/drug use in

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Dec, 2016 ) : Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) is ensuring presence of duty staff under its measures to control trend of utilization of drugs among students in public and private schools/colleges in Capital.

The duty staff includes Day Master/Mistress, Physical Training Instructor who look after students during break hours, sports period and during co-curricular activities. Official sources on Wednesday said every effort was being made by Federal Directorate of education to create conducive, safe and secure environment to students in educational institutions.

The other steps include smoking/use of drugs is completely banned and prohibited in educational institutions and its surrounding while during school/college hours, it is ensured that students do not indulge themselves in immoral activities.

In addition, the sources said awareness among students is created by conducting different seminars, workshops highlighting the hazard of smoking/drugs. With regard to steps taken by Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority (PEIRA) in Capital, the sources said role of PEIRA is to frame rules and regulations for functioning of private educational institutions.

In the instant case, Rule 23 of Rules relating to registration of Private Educational Institutions clearly states as under: Ban on smoking etc. - Smoking shall be strictly forbidden in institutional premises.

Accordingly, whenever any violation is reported to ICT-PEIRA, it shall undertake strict legal action against violating private educational institution under ICT-PEIRA Act, 2013 and Private Educational Institutions (Registration and Fee Determination) Rules, 2016.