President Advises Students To Excel In Studies For Prosperous


President advises students to excel in studies for prosperous

HASANABDAL, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Dec, 2016 ) : President Mamnoon Hussain Wednesday advised students to equip themselves ideally with the profession of their choice after excelling in their academic career so that they could face the future challenges and serve the country.

Addressing the annual parents day ceremony at the cadet college, he said the youth of the county were the custodian of nation's future and urged them to excel in the latest and modern fields of education.

The president expressing his confidence, observed that the future of the nation was secured in the hands of young generation as it was not only stable in their academic and physical pursuits, but also reflecting confidence on the ideological fronts.

Mamnoon Hussain in his speech dotted with verses of Allama Iqbal, said the nation could overcome all its issues and achieve acme of development by adhering to the thoughts of its great founder, Quaid e Azam.

Quaid's way of facing any issue should be the guiding principle for achieving success in life, he added. The president appreciated the performance of faculty members and told the students to divert their energies for the welfare and betterment of the county and the nation.

The thought-provoking verses of Allama Iqbal should be the beacon of life, steering through the perplexing issues associated with the daily life, he added. The president further noted that service to humanity and strive against social evils were the real virtues.

He also advised students to seek guidance from the sentiments conveyed by Iqbal's poetry which should be the life objective for everyone. The president also urged them to retrospect over the global scenario and any contribution, they could make for the motherland.

The whole nation attached great expectations with the young generation, he said and expressed the confidence that they were being imparted ideal training in this institute for the future ventures.

The president also urged the students to pay respect to their teachers and parents who had done marvelous job for grooming their students and scions. Principal Cadet College Hasanabdal Maj. Gen.

(Retd) Najeeb Tariq, students, parents and people belonging to various walks of life were also present on the occasion. The president said Cadet College Hasanabdal was playing an important role in imparting quality education and training to the determined youth for the defense and service of motherland.

He said the nation was indebted to innocent children and teachers martyred in Army Public school Peshawar tragedy and paid tributes to their bravery and courage. They had resolved that such a situation in future which might jeopardize the life of not only nation's children but of any Pakistani would not be allowed to rise.

He emphasized that instead relying on others, they should stand on their own feet and for this, it was necessary the youth should optimally utilize their abilities for the national progress. He said China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would be a game changer for the whole region and stressed that the youth should be fully prepared to benefit from the emerging opportunities.

The president said focus should also be paid on moral training along with education. He commended the administration of Cadet College Hasanabdal on organizing an excellent ceremony and also gave away awards, medals and certificates to the students. The cadets also entertained the gathering with their acrobatic skills, PT drills and horse riding.