President Emphasizes Effective Mass Media Campaign On Kashmir Issue

President emphasizes effective mass media campaign on Kashmir issue

MUZAFFARABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th Nov, 2016 ) : Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Muhammad Masood Khan Monday emphasized on an effective mass media campaign on Kashmir issue to make the world understand the true perspective and expose the false narrative of India.

India, he said, had failed to crush the mass movement against its occupation by using brutal force or offering economic incentives. However, it was propagating its false narrative through Indian origin people in international media, who were protecting its strategic interests, he added.

Addressing trainee officers of 46th Pakistan Navy staff course here at President House, Sardar Masood said the occupation forces had started mass blinding campaign in Jammu and Kashmir as hundreds of youth were deprived of their eyesight by use of pellet guns, besides imposing draconian laws to suppress the mass movement against occupation but they badly failed to maintain their writ.

He said the world's largest deployment of regular armed troops had failed to establish its writ in a small area despite the fact that unarmed people were facing most destructive lethal weapons with sticks, stones and some defective guns and was misguiding the world calling civil resistance as terrorism.

The President said that Jammu and Kashmir was an internationally recognized disputed territory and was not an integral part of India as it was falsely propagating in the world and the people had legitimate right to resist the illegal occupation.

While giving the brief of historical background of the Kashmir dispute, Sardar Masood said the issue of Jammu and Kashmir was part of Chapters 6 and 7 of the United Nations agenda, which was still to be resolved and gave people legitimate right to struggle for their right to self determination as was pledged by the international body.

He said the people of Jammu and Kashmir were holding a plebiscite every day by their resistance against illegal occupation which proves that they never acceded to India and fate of the territory was still to be determined by giving them right to self determination through free, fair plebiscite under United Nations umbrella.

The President also responded to different quarries of the officers about different aspects of the Kashmir issue and issues related to Azad Kashmir. He informed them about economic growth of the area and future plans and priorities of the government.