Protection Of Women's Rights Is Objective Of QWP: Sikandar Sherpao


Protection of women's rights is objective of QWP: Sikandar Sherpao

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Dec, 2016 ) : Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Senior Minister for Irrigation, Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Sikandar Hayat Khan Sherpao Thursday said women development, protection of their rights and provision of healthy working atmosphere for women is one of the main objectives of his party and Government.

While appreciating the positive role of women-folk in the development and establishment of healthy society, he said 22% of our population are working women which needs further improvement and concentration upon women education is essential for the purpose.

He said the present Government has keen interest to improve the over-all situation of women-folk in society and necessary legislation and other practical steps had been taken in this regard. Sikandar Sherpao further said that the "Bolo Help Line", Women Commission and establishment of Working Women Hostel had got good appreciation from the society.

The Provincial Minister said that establishment of Darul Aaman in Chitral and other districts must be included in the next ADP and asked the concerned quarters to solve all the problems of the working women hostel Peshawar in a month.

He was addressing a seminar on National Day for Working Women held here, organized by Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department in collaboration with Gender Reform Action Plan. The Seminar was also addressed by Provincial Minister for Labour and Minerals Development Anisa Zeb Tahirkheli, President of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Women Wing Shamama Anbar Arbab, Dr.Anosha Khan Chairperson Gender Studies Department University of Peshawar and attended by Secretary Social Welfare, Abdul Jabbar Khan, Director Social Welfare and a large number of working women and representatives of NGOS working for the betterment of women.

The Provincial Minister for Labour and Minerals Development Anisa Zeb Tahirkheli said that discussion in the Parliament, Universities, Offices and socio-political gatherings about the women rights is a positive ray toward awareness about women rights.

She said the same sensitized the women-folk and society recognized the contribution made by women both in national economy and society. She also highlighted the role played by rural and house-hold women and paid rich tributes to their hard-working.