Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi Presents Plan To Make Lahore Dust-free

Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi presents plan to make Lahore dust-free

Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi has launched a plan to make the provincial capital a dust-free city under which 79 roads would be made dust-free for reduction in environmental pollution in Lahore

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th Dec, 2023) Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi has launched a plan to make the provincial capital a dust-free city under which 79 roads would be made dust-free for reduction in environmental pollution in Lahore.

He formally launched washing programme of the roads and boulevards of the city and monitored washing process at the Jail Road, here on Saturday.

Mohsin Naqvi monitored the road washing process through the mechanical washers, sweepers and tractor sweepers and ordered not to wash roads at noon time and in the evening to ensure smooth traffic flow. He ordered to expedite enforcement actions against those involved in doing illegal dumping of debris at the edge of roads.

Lahore Waster Management Company (LWMC) CEO Babar Sahibdin gave a briefing about 79 roads washing programme. The CM was informed during the briefing that 18 mechanical washers, 12 mechanical sweepers and 40 tractor sweepers were taking part in the washing process. The teams were working actively in three shifts to dispose of construction and demolition material along with garbage. All the points would be turned into zero waste in coming 48 hours.

Later, talking to the media, the CM stated that authorities were worried due to smog situation as Lahore was the most polluted city of the world, adding that schools and educational institutions could not be closed due to examinations.

The winter vacations would commence from Dec 18, he said. "There is no possibility of any rain but we are striving at our own level" he said and added that smog level increases due to dust and traffic.

He said that LWMC would wash 79 roads to reduce dust in the city and those roads would be washed on preferential basis where their was more dust. The roads would be washed twice a week on the pattern of Saudi Arabia, he added. Dust cannot be eliminated by mere spray of water and citizens should also make their houses dust free, he said.

"We are determined to make Lahore dust free completely". Hopefully, smog would be reduced with the reduction of dust through washing. CM apprised that a team comprises 100 workers and 04 teams have become proactive to wash the roads. The washing of roads would be done at night time so as to save people from inconvenience. The washing work would be completed from 8 pm till 6 'O clock in the morning.

Lahore Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, DG PHA and officials concerned were present.