Radio Pakistan To Air Special Programmes On Defence Day

Radio Pakistan to air special programmes on Defence Day

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) : Radio Pakistan has prepared special programmes to commemorate and highlight the valour of the nation and armed forces in repulsing enemy's aggression in 1965, said a press release on Friday.

The nation demonstrated great enthusiasm, brotherhood and bravery against the enemy. Messages of President and Prime Minister will be aired in the programme "Subh e Paksitan". Change of the Guards ceremony at Mazar- e-Quaid will be broadcast live from Karachi.

A special feature titled "Jang September and Afwaj e Pakistan k Kaarnaamy" will be aired at 04:05 pm.

This programme will highlight the achievements of Pakistan Army, Navy and Air force during the 1965 war.

A special talk show "Defense of Paksitan - From September War to Zarb-e-Azb" will be aired at 04:30 pm. A special programme "Apni Jaan Nazar Karun" will be broadcast at 10:05 pm. Special slogans, songs for Pak Army, Navy and Air Force, interviews and expressions of veterans and special reports about ceremonies held on the memorials of martyrs will also be the part of these special programmes.