Rs. 1767.139 Mln Provided To PIMS To Install Latest Equipment


Rs. 1767.139 mln provided to PIMS to install latest equipment

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Dec, 2016 ) : Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) has provided Rs. 1767.139 million to Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) to install equipment in various components of the Hospital during last two years.

CADD has taken steps to equip Federal Government Hospitals with latest equipments and machines and in this regard up-gradation of Radiology Department at Federal Government Polyclinic (FGPC), Islamabad was also planned with a cost of Rs.364.5 million with the latest equipment i.e .(C.T.

Scan, M.R.I) etc. Official sources said PC-I of strengthening of Maternal and Child Health Care Services at Federal Government Polyclinic with a cost of Rs. 35 million was under process to equip the Hospital with latest machinery and equipment.

The sources said most of the equipment were installed about 10 to 15 years ago and there was a ban for purchase of equipment which was lifted in financial year 2013-14. This hospital purchased the equipment within the sanctioned allocated budget, thereafter.

Another project named "Replacement & Purchase of Equipment (RPE) through counter value fund from Japan was also approved by CDWP with a cost of Rs. 298.82 million but funds were not released due to non-finalization of guidelines for their disbursement by Embassy of Japan and Finance Division.

Now it is at final stage, after this, the funds will be released to this hospital against the said project and it will also help to equip the Hospital with latest machinery and equipment. Moreover, the sources said for National Institute of Rehabilitative Medicine (NIRM), a proposal for updating machinery & equipment has been sent to the Ministry.

The present equipment at NIRM is kept in running condition through regular preventive maintenance. With regard to Federal General Hospital (FGH), the sources said it is a secondary care hospital and has recently purchased equipment for improving its services.