RSWMC Cancels Holidays Of Sanitary Workers


RSWMC cancels holidays of sanitary workers

RAWALPINDI,(UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) :Rawalpindi Solid Waste Management Company (RSWMC) has cancelled holidays of around 2500 sanitary workers and officials to ensure cleanliness during the Eid days.

"The Company has finalized a comprehensive cleanliness plan for Eid-ul-Azha to get rid of entrails and offals of the sacrificed animals," Managing Director Solid Waste Management Irfan Qureshi told APP here on Friday.

He said 45 additional dumpers, 150 mini dumpers, 250 handcarts, 40 compactors would be part of the special drive to remove the remains from every nook and corner of the city.

RSWMC will deploy around 2500 sanitary workers in Rawal and Pothawar town areas to keep the areas clean during Eid-ul-Azha.

"Nine collection points would also be set up for the convenience of the public at Union Council level and the residents have been directed to contact on Help line number 1139 about any complaints," Qureshi said.

He said after completion of the task, the area would be cleaned properly and sprayed. Eid ul Azha is the busiest time of year for sanitary workers, as the city generates twice its average daily amount of waste on the day,he added. APP/tah/sh/ahn