SBBWUP Commemorates 19th Foundation Day


SBBWUP commemorates 19th foundation day

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University (SBBWU) Peshawar on Wednesday commemorated 19th foundation day followed by two days culture festival.

On the occasion Minister for Higher Education, Meena Khan was the Chief Guest.

The university signed eight MoUs with different organizations wherein research, faculty exchange programs and soft skill development collaborations would be focused for the students of the university.

The university also launched an alumna’s start up, Day Dreamers event Management Company through the platform of the university to encourage students to build their inclination towards entrepreneurial startups.

The award for Best Teacher for the year 2022-23 was awarded to Ruqqiya Bibi, Department of Chemistry. She also received an appreciation amount of Rs 0.2 million.

On the occasion, the university VC, Prof Dr Safia Ahmed shared a brief history of the university and shared the hurdles faced by the university including a shortage of funds and a ban on recruitment. She also emphasized the need for more academic blocks and hostels so that various other disciplines may be initiated for the females.

Minister for Higher Education, Meena Khan while addressing the audience appreciated the university’s efforts in the field of research collaborations. He said that the universities are research engines and every university must focus on their Office of research and commercialization and innovation along with quality assurance.

He enlightened the audience that the issues highlighted by the Vice Chancellor were already under consideration since many of the universities were facing the same issues and the KP government was planning and working to introduce the KP Higher Education Commission so that the issues related to universities might be addressed on priority basis with added emphasis.

He said that the aim of the higher education department was to empower women and provide fair opportunities to everyone, adding the government was also thinking of developing a forward thinking strategy for youth empowerment. The curriculum issues, financial deficit, good governance, and quality education would be focused by the government to bring sustainability in the higher education sector, he added.