Secretary Information Condoles Demise Of Senior Journalist Nazir Naji


Secretary Information condoles demise of senior journalist Nazir Naji

Federal Secretary for Information and Broadcasting Shaheera Shahid on Wednesday expressed deep grief over the demise of senior journalist, columnist and analyst Nazir Naji

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Feb, 2024) Federal Secretary for Information and Broadcasting Shaheera Shahid on Wednesday expressed deep grief over the demise of senior journalist, columnist and analyst Nazir Naji.

The secretary, in a condolence message, prayed to the Almighty to rest the departed soul in eternal peace, and grant courage and fortitude to the bereaved family to bear the loss with equanimity.

She said she was saddened over hearing the news of the death of Nazir Naji who was a professional journalist and analyst. His passing away was a big loss for the field of journalism, she added.

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