Sehwan Development Authority's Staff Protests Against Non-payment Of Salaries


Sehwan Development Authority's staff protests against non-payment of salaries

Minister for Power Sardar Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari on Friday sought cooperation from the Khyber Pakhtukhwa Government (KP) in the anti-power theft in the jurisdiction of Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) and Tribal Electric Supply Company (TESCO)

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Apr, 2024) The employees of Sehwan Development Authority (SDA) held a protest outside Hyderabad Press Club on Friday, decrying that they have not been paid their salaries for 3 months.

Rafia Sultana and other protesters complained that the top officials of the SDA were not attending their office owing to which the authority was continuously facing administrative problems.

According to Sultana, Director General of SDA Saleh Saeed Jumani had gone on long leave while the authority's Secretary Ahsan Raza was working in Sindh Solid Waste Management board (SSWMB).

She claimed that the positions of Accountant and Admin Officer were also vacant, leaving the authority in financial doldrums.

"The top officers draw their salaries every month but the lower staff is made to suffer," she alleged.

The protesters appealed to the Sindh Government to take notice of their plight and to release their salaries.
