Sincere Efforts Under Way For Restoration Of Sandal Train: MPA

Sincere efforts under way for restoration of Sandal train: MPA

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Member Provincial Assembly & Pakistan Muslim league Nawaz General Secretary Sargodha Rana Munawer Ghous Khan has said that the government was taking practical steps for the restoration of all trains which were suspended during the corona virus pandemic including 140-Down-Sandal Express train .

Talking to APP here on Saturday he said that the Sandal Express Train was the cheapest source of travel from Sargodha to Multan. He said that the train was a revenue generating source for the government.

"It was operational with nine bogies and had the capacity to provide the travel facility to over 54,900 passengers from Sargodha, Shaheenabad, Silanwali, Shah Nikdur, and Shah Jewna, Shortkot, Jhang, Khanewal, Abdul Hakeem and Multan on a daily basis and was producing revenue of over one million rupee from the two side drive," he added.

He said that he had met with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the railway minister and railway high-ups for the restoration of the Sandal Express train. He hoped that the train would be restored soon.