Sindh CM Pays Visit To Garhi Khudabakhsh Bhutto Graveyard

Sindh CM pays visit to Garhi Khudabakhsh Bhutto graveyard

LARKANA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Feb, 2024) Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah along with MPAs paid a visit to the graveyard of Shuhda Mazar in Garhi Khudabakhsh Bhutto and paid tribute to their leaders for winning the general elections.

According to Media Cell, they offered fateha and laid wreaths on the graves of Shaheed Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and others.

The Mayor of Larkana, all districts presidents and union councils members gave a warm welcome to the chief minister.