Step Afoot To Develop Industrial Sectors In Balochistan: Pirkani

Step afoot to develop industrial sectors in Balochistan: Pirkani

Secretary Industries Noor Ahmed Pirkani on Thursday said that the government was taking practical steps to promote industrial development in Balochistan

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Secretary Industries Noor Ahmed Pirkani on Thursday said that the government was taking practical steps to promote industrial development in Balochistan.

He said that the problems being faced by Gadani marble industry and LIEDA would be solved on priority basis.

He expressed these views while talking to LIEDA officers on the occasion of visit to Marble City.

On this occasion, the Managing Director of Lasbela Industrial Estates Development Authority (LIEDA), Farid Ahmad Khan Muhammad Hassani and the director of Marble City, Shafiq Ahmed Qasmi was accompanied by him.

During the visit MD, LIEDA and the representative of Marble City Association gave a briefing to the Secretary regarding different marble processing.

The Secretary Industry and Commerce directed that better facilities should be provided to the Marble City Industrial Estate so that the marble industry would get a boost.

He said that the government of Balochistan was particularly interested in such industrial sectors being the closest to Karachi, they were providing all the facilities to the industrialists of the marble zone which was linked the economic development of the country and Balochistan.