Sukkur Mayor For Recovery Of Dues

Sukkur Mayor for recovery of dues

Mayor of Sukkur Arslan Shaikh has said that negligence will not be tolerated in recovery of Taluka Municipal Administration (TMA)'s dues and officers concerned should make their departments active to achieve targets

SUKKUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Jan, 2018 ) :Mayor of Sukkur Arslan Shaikh has said that negligence will not be tolerated in recovery of Taluka Municipal Administration (TMA)'s dues and officers concerned should make their departments active to achieve targets.

He stated this while chairing a meeting of heads of revenue and recovery departments of TMA officials at his office on Monday. The meeting was attended by the the all officers concerned. The meeting briefed the Mayor of Sukkur about the recovery position in various departments in the light of the targets fixed for the current financial year.

The Mayor urged the officers to improve their performance and ensure maximum recovery so that the financial position of TMA can be strengthened.