Team From Federal Ombudsman Office To Visit ETO Tomorrow

Team from Federal Ombudsman Office to visit ETO tomorrow

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Apr, 2024) An inspection team from the Federal Ombudsman’s Office would visit the Excise and Taxation Office (ETO) Islamabad on Monday, tomorrow to look into the growing number of public complaints regarding mal-administration in the said office.

It may be pointed out that the Federal Ombudsman, Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi, responding to a large number of public complaints regarding delay and difficulties in getting vehicular registration, vehicles’ tax assessment and examination, constituted an Inspection Team to be headed by its Senior Advisor to conduct a thorough probe into the matter, said a press release issued here Sunday.

These complaints alleged mal-practices in the ETO along with the undesirable activities of the agent-mafia active there and other irregularities which were causing great inconvenience to the general public.

The team would listen to the public complaints on the spot besides interacting and interviewing the people there before finalizing its recommendations for finding a workable solution in coordination with the administration of the ETO.