Tehsil Administration Clears Malam Jabba Road Snow, Ensures Traffic Flow

Tehsil administration clears Malam Jabba road snow, ensures traffic flow

The Tehsil administration of Charbagh has kicked off clearing snow from the Malam Jabba road after the popular hill station received snowfall on Thursday

SWAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2024) The Tehsil administration of Charbagh has kicked off clearing snow from the Malam Jabba road after the popular hill station received snowfall on Thursday.

On the instructions of Assistant Commissioner Charbagh, Muhammad Yaar Khan issued instructions to the operation staff to appoint an additional number of workers as soon as the snow season begins in Swat.

The operational staff worked to remove snow from the roads and paths during the snowfall and also maintained cleanliness as a good number of visitors arrived at the tourist destination.

Lauding the arrangements put in place by the Tehsil administration, the visitors said that the staff is busy removing the snow from roads despite the cold, and they haven’t seen garbage in the area.

Speaking with our APP Swat correspondent, Assistant Commissioner Charbagh, Muhammad Yaar Khan, said that we are fully prepared, and our teams are deployed in the spots of the tourist destination to ensure that motorists can easily move in and around Malam Jabba and that traffic flow remains normal.

Meanwhile, the district administration has advised tourists to get weather updates and traffic-related information prior to traveling to Swat's tourist destinations.
