TEVTA Seminar Highlights Importance Of Vocational Training For Girls

TEVTA seminar highlights importance of vocational training for girls

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Under the auspices of the Technical and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) Bahawalpur region, a seminar was organised to highlight the importance of vocational training for girls.

TEVTA Punjab and the Government Vocational Training Institute For Women Bahawalpur jointly organised a seminar here to put light on the importance of technical and vocational training for girls.

The seminar was attended by the Chief Operating Officer, TEVTA Punjab, Quratul Aain Memon, District Director, TEVTA Bahawalpur and Lodrhan Region, Eng. Muhammad Rashid, Principal Government Training Institute for Women, Bushra Anjum, Principal, College of Technology for Women, Sumera Saliha and others.

Addressing the seminar, Memon said that it was need of hour to promote technical and vocational education among girls. “We will have to teach technical and vocational education and skills to girls to empower them,” she said.

She expressed her satisfaction that under the auspices of TEVTA Punjab, technical and vocational institutes for women had been imparting standard education and training to girls in the fields of fashion designing, beautician courses, cooking, textile designing and others.