There's No Room For Anarchy And Unrest In The Country,nor Can The State Afford It.Khawaja Rameez Hassan

There's no room for anarchy and unrest in the country,nor can the state afford it.Khawaja Rameez Hassan

It's a foreign conspiracy to defame Pak forces and intelligence agencies under a deliberate conspiracy. Unfortunately, the judiciary is also being made a pawn against the law enforcement agencies.Information Secretary Q-League Central Punjab

Lahore (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2024) Muslim League-Q leader Khawaja Rameez Hasan said in a press release that the country cannot afford any kind of chaos and unrest.He said that a so-called political anarchist group is against the state after leaving power.

A hate campaign is being run against Pak forces and intelligence officers under a well-thought-out conspiracy,which is directly or indirectly benefiting anti-national ideas.He said that without knowing it,the country's highest judiciary has also been made a pawn in front of its own defence institutions,Which the state cannot afford in any case.politics is not above the state,so the first priority should be a secure and stable state.

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