Three-day National Polio Eradication Drive Begins In AJK


Three-day National Polio Eradication drive begins in AJK

MIRPUR (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Dec, 2016 ) , Dec 19 (APP): Like rest of the country, the three-day nation-wide Polio Eradication campaign also commenced in Azad Jammu & Kashmir on Monday.

Over seven lakh children under 5-year of age would be immunized with the anti-polio vaccine in AJK during the campaign which would continue till Dec. 21, it was officially declared. AJK Health Services sources told APP on Monday that over 23 hundred mobile para-medical staff teams have been formed.

Whereas 340 fixed units and 129 transit points at prominent public places including buses and wagons stands have been set up in all ten districts of AJK including Mirpur, Muzaffarabad, Jhelum valley, Neelam valley, Kotli, Bagh, Sudhanoti, Haveili, Bhimbher and Rawalakot to administer the anti-polio vaccine drops.

The sources said that the State Health Department have arranged about seven lakh anti-polio vaccine doses for the entire three-day campaign across AJK. The fixed centers, the sources continued, will be set up at the hospitals, basic health units, rural health centers as well as various other spots to vaccinate the children.

Whereas 89 zonal supervisors will look after the campaign being conducted by 208 incharges of different areas in AJK. Beside, the parents may get their children fed with the anti- polio vaccine drops at the fixed centers nearest to their homes. The sources said that no case of polio disease to any child was detected in AJK during last ten years.