Training Session On E-Filing, Office Automation System Held At RDA

Training session on E-Filing, office automation system held at RDA

On the instructions of Director General RDA Kaniz Murtaza, a training session on the E-Filing and Office Automation System (e-FOAS) was held on Thursday at the Rawalpindi Development Authority

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) On the instructions of Director General RDA Kaniz Murtaza, a training session on the E-Filing and Office Automation System (e-FOAS) was held on Thursday at the Rawalpindi Development Authority.

According to an RDA spokesperson, Ashfaq Ali Dhallu, Director of Operations at the Punjab Information Technology board, provided a comprehensive presentation on e-FOAS.

He stated that, as per the directives of the Punjab Government, the benefit of e-FOAS is to maintain easily accessible records of notices, approvals, and proposals.

He mentioned that this system helps prevent the loss of important documents during events such as floods caused by heavy rainfall.

Dhallu further explained that the e-filing system will facilitate the timely and efficient management of daily tasks at RDA, promoting a paperless office environment in the public sector.

The Primary purpose of this software is to ensure that all correspondence is digitally accessible 24/7. He added that digital copies of all official documents will be made, uploaded to the system, stored on a cloud server, and archived for future reference.

This system also sends SMS notifications to all relevant participants, informing them about RDA's actions against illegal constructions, housing schemes, meeting schedules, and other matters.
