Training Session On E-Filing System Held At RDA

Training session on E-Filing system held at RDA

A training session on the E-Filing and Office Automation System (E-FOAS) on Thursday was held at Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) on the directives of Director General (DG) RDA, Kinza Murtaza

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) A training session on the E-Filing and Office Automation System (E-FOAS) on Thursday was held at Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) on the directives of Director General (DG) RDA, Kinza Murtaza.

According to a RDA spokesman, Ishfaq Ali Dhillow, Director of Operations at Punjab Information Technology board (PITB), provided a comprehensive presentation on E-FOAS. He explained that the government of Punjab had mandated the use of E-FOAS to maintain easily accessible records of notes, approvals, and proposals. This system helps to prevent the loss of critical documents during incidents such as floods caused by heavy rain.

Dhillow further stated that the e-Filing system at RDA would facilitate timely and effective management of daily tasks, promoting a paperless office environment in the public sector. The Primary goal of this software is to ensure that all correspondence is digitally accessible round the clock.

He further informed that digital copies of all official documents would be created and uploaded in the system, stored on a cloud server, and archived for future reference.

The system also sends Short Message Service (SMS) notifications to all relevant participants, informing them about RDA operations against illegal construction, housing schemes, meeting schedules, and other matters. This had reduced the turnaround time for approvals, documents, office orders, and notifications, thereby increasing efficiency, he added.

The session was chaired by Additional Director General Awais Manzoor Tarar while Chief Engineer Muhammad Anwar Baran, Director Administration and Finance Asif Mahmood Janjua, Director Metropolitan Planning and Traffic Engineering Jamshaid Aftab, Director Architecture Shuja Ali, Director Land, Malik Ghazanfar Ali Awan, Director Estate Management, Shahzad Gondal, Director Engineering Muhammad Kamran, Deputy Director Finance Muhammad Junaid Taj Bhatti, Deputy Director IT Dawood Khalid, and other RDA officers attended the training session.