Training Workshop For Women Councilors Held In Mardan


Training workshop for women councilors held in Mardan

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -2nd Sep,2016) : Training workshop was arranged in Mardan district to educate the elected women councilors about their power, rights, privileges and utilization of funds, A non-government organization has arranged a training workshop for fifty two women councilors from district, tehsil, neighborhood and village councils, reported a private news channel.

The participants of the workshop were educated about the prevailing local government system and its importance in the development of the society. They were also taught the role they could play for the betterment of the people particularly the womenfolk.

A village councilor Shabnam Naureen said it was a very informative workshop and they got lot of information about the local government system and many other new things.

"We know a little about the role of state institutions and the local government system.

We hope that we would utilize our knowledge for the betterment of the people," she vowed. Sana Ijaz, who conducted the training, said majority of the women councilors were not aware of their rights and privileges.

"Most of the women did not know how to speak during a meeting and highlight the problems of their areas. We tried to educate them about their problems and suggested to them how they could play their role in resolving the problems," she explained. APP/meh/bmq