UN Living Indus Team Visits LWMC Head Office

UN Living Indus team visits LWMC head office

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) The United Nations (UN) Living Indus Project Team visited the Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) head office on Thursday, and were welcomed by LWMC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Babar Sahib Din.

During the meeting, the CEO provided a detailed overview of the company’s operations, challenges, and future plans.

In-charge of monitoring, Shoaib Dar, gave a briefing on the company’s projects and the integration of artificial intelligence. General Manager Planning Dr. Kamran outlined key initiatives including the landfill site, urban forest, and solar park projects. He highlighted that the LWMC served as a model for waste management across Pakistan.

Babar Sahib Din emphasised that the UN Living Indus Project team was establishing policies to support extensive environment-friendly initiatives in Pakistan. Deputy CEO Muhammad Aurangzeb and other senior officers also attended the meeting. The delegation's visit aims to develop the best infrastructure for waste management in Pakistan through collaboration with government organizations.

Additionally, the United Nations Living Indus Project and LWMC’s Community Mobilization Wing will conduct a public awareness campaign to encourage plastic recycling and reduce plastic usage. Joint measures will be implemented to promote waste-to-energy, waste segregation, and recycling projects.