USAID Deputy Mission Director Visits DHO


USAID Deputy Mission Director visits DHO

SUKKUR, Dec 9 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 09th Dec, 2016 ) : USAID Deputy Mission Director Denise Herbol visited the district health office Khairpur and met the DHO Dr Nisar Ali Phulpoto and sites supported by USAID Maternal & Child Health Programme, and discussed the ongoing health support for community midwives, and Lady Willington hospital under the USAID program, said a press release here on Friday.

She also visited the near completion Modern High School being constructed under Sindh Basic education Program(SBEP) in Sukkur and met with the head master, chairman of school management committee and staff from the construction and community mobilisation components.

This was followed by a visit to the Masoom Shah library which was supported by Sindh Reading Programme.

During her two-day visit to Northern districts of Sindh, Denise Herbol also visited USAID projects in Sukkur, Khairpur and Jacobabad.

In Jaccaababd, she visited the JIMS hospital in Jaccababad where she met with the Director Brigadier Zubir Sheikh and his staff and patients and discussed services and functions of the hospital.

Herbol also visited the construction sites of Jacababad Municipal Services Program and discussed progress with the project teams, and later called upon the Deputy Commissioner and Mayor of the city to discuss USAID projects in the district.