Walk Held To Mark Universal Diabetes Day


Walk held to mark Universal Diabetes Day

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Nov, 2016 ) : A walk to mark Universal Diabetes Day was held here on Thursday to create awareness among the masses about adopting precautionary measures to avert life threatening disease.

City Member of AJK Legislative Assembly Ch. Muhammad Saeed, Principal state-run MBBS Medical College Mirpur Mian Muhammad Rasheed, eminent seasoned cardiologist and physician Dr. Aurangzeb Alamgeer, senior journalist Altaf Hamid Rao, and others led the walk that started from Kashmir Institute of Cardiology (KIC) complex and culminated at the Divisional Head Quarter Hospital in the city.

Speaking on this occasion, seasoned cardiologists and physicians including Dr. Aurangzeb Alamgeer, Principal state-run MBBS Medical College Mirpur Mian Muhammad Rasheed Prof. Dr. Shahbaz Qureshi, Professor of Medicine in Cardiology advised the screening for type 2 diabetes to modify its course and reduce the risk of complications.

Diabetes, they underlined, is a huge and growing burden as 415 million adults were living with diabetes in 2015 and this number is expected to increase to around 642 million or one in ten adults by 2040.

Speakers pointed out that in two adults with diabetes is undiagnosed the world over at present. They said 12% of total global expenditure on health is currently spent on adults with diabetes. Speakers revealed that the number of people with diabetes in low- and middle-income countries will continue to grow, posing a threat to sustainable development.

For example by 2040, the number of people with diabetes in Africa is expected to be doubled, they feared. APP/ahr/mkz/qzi