Works On Making Dual National Highway N-25 In Full Swing

Works on making dual National Highway N-25 in full swing

The work on making double National Highway (NH) N-25 connecting Balochistan to Karachi underway with a rapid pace and the project will be completed soon

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Dec, 2023) The work on making double National Highway (NH) N-25 connecting Balochistan to Karachi underway with a rapid pace and the project will be completed soon.

The National Highway Authority (NHA) sources on Friday said that the National Highway Authority was trying to complete this important project as soon as possible to make the national highway NA-25 connecting Balochistan to Karachi a dual carriageway.

The sources said that this 330 km two way road would be constructed from Khuzdar to Kuchlak under the same project, the existing National Highway (N-25) would also be repaired and restored as per the proposed standards.

The Sources said that the project has been divided into five parts for the purpose of early construction, out of which four are being worked on rapidly, tendering would be done soon after the fifth phase design is completed.

The project will also build new bridges and culverts for waterways, he mentioned.