Japanese Consul General Highlights Role Of Sports In Fostering Unity

Japanese Consul General highlights role of sports in fostering unity

KARACHI, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Japan's Consul General in Karachi, Hattori Masaru, emphasized the unique ability of sports to foster unity both individually and collectively among nations.

During a recent meeting with a delegation led by Softball Federation of Pakistan President Asif Azeem, Masaru Hattori remarked that athletes convey messages of hope and confidence through mutual respect, harmony and friendship, according to a news release on Wednesday.

The meeting took place at the Japanese Consulate and included Vice Consul Saito Machi, Senior Vice President of the Softball Federation Dr. Farhan Essa, Chairperson Yasmin Hyder, and Secretary Finance Zeeshan Merchant.

Masaru Hattori highlighted that softball is a global sport played by over 65 million people across 140 countries. He noted the prestigious role of the Olympic Games in the sports world, pointing out that softball will be part of the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, USA.

Expressing his pleasure at the increasing popularity of softball among Pakistani youth, Japan's Consul General in Karachi assured that efforts will be made to modernize the sport's development in Pakistan.

In support of this vision, the Softball Federation of Pakistan is set to host the women's inter-provincial softball championship in Karachi this month. Such events provide ample opportunities for young players to showcase their talents.

Federation President Asif Azeem acknowledged Japan as a leading nation in softball and expressed gratitude for the Japanese Consulate's ongoing support for the sport's development in Pakistan.

Dr. Farhan Essa called for qualified coaches and umpires from Japan to train Pakistani players and coaches, while Yasmin Hyder announced plans to organize a series of matches between the Japanese Consulate and the Pakistan Softball team.

During the meeting, the Softball Federation of Pakistan presented commemorative softball bats and souvenirs to Consul General Hattori Masaru and Vice Consul Saito Machi, marking the occasion with a gesture of appreciation and friendship.