NBP All Pakistan KP Junior Squash Championship From Dec 25

NBP All Pakistan KP Junior Squash Championship from Dec 25

PESHAWAR, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Dec, 2016 ) : The 5th edition of the NBP All Pakistan National Junior Squash Championship will commence from December 25, 2016 here at PAF Hashim Khan Squash Complex.

Talking to APP here Friday, former World Champion and Vice President Pakistan Squash Federation Qamar Zaman said arrangement in this connection had already been kicked off and hopefully like every year the Championship would be organized in befitting manners this year.

He said Pakistan Squash Federation had nominated a penal of referees for the Championship and Munawar Zaman would be the chief referee. The Championship, he said, would carry categories comprising Under-11, Under-13, Under-15 and Under-17.

He said more than 200 players in five different categories from across Pakistan would be coming to Peshawar to take part in the Championship. He said Regional Chief National Bank of Pakistan Syed Waseem Ahmad would be the chief guest and formally inaugurate the Championship coinciding with the birth anniversary of the founder of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

He said on the day, a cake cutting ceremony would also be organized and the participating youth would be provided awareness regarding the struggle of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for a separate land for Pakistan.