BMW Expands ReachNow Mobile Services


BMW expands ReachNow mobile services

LOS ANGELES, , (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th Nov, 2016 ) - German automaker BMW announced Tuesday in Los Angeles that it is expanding its ReachNow program with new mobile tools and adding a city location: New York's trendy Brooklyn borough.

BMW ReachNow, launched in Seattle, Washington state in April, is adding services to its initial offering, the chief executive of the new program Steve Banfield said at a news conference on the first day of AutoMobility, a car show focused on mobile technologies.

Among the new services offered on the ReachNow app is a car-sharing service, rivaling Uber and Lyft, that allows a person to hail a ride and personalize it by selecting temperature, music or even a "do not disturb" feature.

It will launch in test mode in Seattle on December 8 before being tested in other cities. ReachNow also is expanding its shared car rental service, similar to Zipcar and launched in April that until now was available only in Seattle and Portland, Oregon with 800 BMWs.

That service for the first time will leave the West Coast and head east, to Brooklyn, where 250 BMWs and Minis will be waiting for customers.