Calculate Fractions Online with Fraction Calculator

Online fraction calculator - At UrduPoint, you can calculate fractions online. You only need to put the required numbers in the fraction addition calculator, fraction subtraction calculator, multiply fraction calculator, divide fraction calculator, proper fraction calculator, improper fraction calculator, mixed fraction calculator, and square root fraction calculator. After that, press the 'Calculate' sign, and you will get the result in no time.

Fraction Calculator


Simplify Fractions Calculator


Fraction to Decimal Calculator


Fractions Calculator

Fractions are defined as part of a whole. There are two parts to it. One is the numerator, which is the upper part, and the other is the denominator, the lower part. Both the numerator and the denominator are integers. Usually, fractions have three types; a proper fraction, improper, and mixed fraction.

A proper fraction's numerator is always a smaller value than a denominator, i.e., 6/7, 1/3, 2/5, etc. In contrast, the improper fraction has a numerator greater than the denominator, i.e., 7/6, 13/2, 15/12, etc. Furthermore, a mixed fraction consists of a whole number and a fraction. In a mixed fraction, the whole number can either be combined with a proper fraction or an improper fraction. Some mixed fractions are 6 2/3, 15, 3/6, 21 8/9, etc.

With the above multiple fractions calculators, you can calculate proper, improper, and mixed fractions in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square root. It is simple, just input the data, press the 'Calculate' button, and you will get the answer. This way, in no time, you can get the fraction calculations without using a scientific calculator with fractions. This way, if you don't know or forget how to do a fraction on a calculator, you can still do it with the fraction calculator online.

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