Length Conversion Calculator

The length conversion calculator online lets you convert the unit of length instantly. You have to input the given length unit, enter the length value, and choose the required length unit to get the required value. At UrduPoint, you can select the length converter online among the centimeter, millimeter, decimeter, meter, kilometer, inches, feet, yard, and mile units.

Length Converter


Length Conversion Calculators

Length conversion calculators can be used to calculate the distance between two points. The length conversion calculator facility is brought to you by the Urdu Point for its consumers to calculate the perfectly authentic length conversions of all the data that you wanted to convert. Now you can easily convert your data in Millimeter, to any of the following length conversions.

  1. Millimeter
  2. Centimeter
  3. Decimeter
  4. Meter
  5. Kilometer
  6. Foot
  7. Inch
  8. Mile
  9. Yard

We have elaborated complete information regarding the conversion. Here is a simple conversion that allows you to have a complete idea of how the conversion is made.

Millimeter 01
Centimeter 0.1
Decimeter 0.01
Meter 0.001
Kilometer 0.000001
Foot 0.003281
Inch 0.03937
Mile 0.00000062137
Yard 0.001094
Kilo Meter 01
Hectometer 10
Dekameter 100
Meter 1000
Decimeters 100000
Centimeters 100000
Millimeters 1000000

How this calculator works

The working of the calculator is a simple process. All you have to do is put the number of the unit you wanted to be converted into the desired conversion unit. In the first step, you put the value of unit in the first portion and selecting the desired unit conversion. After that select the unit of conversion that allows you to have the desired result. we have elaborated the units of conversion for your better understanding.

Common Length Measurement Conversions

Conversion of Miles into kilometers.  = 1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers

Conversion of Kilometers into miles. =  1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles

Converting the Feet into inches     = 1 feet = 12 inches

Converting the Feet into meters    = 1 foot = 0.3048 meters

Conversion of Inches into centimeters = 1 inches = 2.54 centimeters

Conversion of Centimeters into inches = 1 centimeter = 0.393701 inches

International standards

This calculation is performed above is from SI, Metric Measures that is according to the international standards

The above-mentioned calculations are based on the information provided by the International System of Units, the acronym of it is SI (Système International). It is among the most famous system for measurement. The international system is based on the decimal-system for the conversion of measurements.

The calculations of these units are described below for your clarifications and ease.

1 metre = 3.281 feet

1 feett = 1/ 3.281 = 0.3048 metres


Let us convert an 18 inches distance into centimeters.

Step 1: try to convert 18 inches into meters.

1 inches  = 0.0254 meters

18 inches = 18 × 0.0254 = 0.4572 meters

72 inches = 72 × 0.0254 = 1.8288 meters

Now coming to the secont step: all you need is to convert 0.4572 meters into centimeters.

1 meter = 100 cm

0.4572 meter = 100 × 0.4572 = 45.72 meters

0.4572 meter  = 45.75 centimeters.

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