Provincial Government Urged To Ensure Job Security For Second Shift Teachers

Provincial government urged to ensure job security for Second Shift Teachers

The Second Shift Teachers Association (SSTA) of Abbottabad District on Saturday appealed to the provincial government, urging them to grant permanent status to all teachers employed under the Double Shift School (DSS) programme

HABVELIAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Apr, 2024) The Second Shift Teachers Association (SSTA) of Abbottabad District on Saturday appealed to the provincial government, urging them to grant permanent status to all teachers employed under the Double Shift school (DSS) programme.

Specifically, the association has called for a halt to the termination of contracts for teachers working in second shift schools, who are being replaced by new hires.

These second shift teachers have demonstrated exceptional dedication and resilience in managing their responsibilities under challenging circumstances. They have worked tirelessly, sacrificing their personal time and resources, to ensure the success of this project.

Despite facing numerous hardships, they have persevered, likening their efforts to the nurturing of a plant from seed to fruit.

However, despite their contributions and achievements, these dedicated educators are now facing the unjust termination of their contracts. The association highlights the irony of the situation, where those who planted and nurtured the seed of success are being deprived of its fruits, while others are benefiting from their labor.

Moreover, the association raises concerns about the lack of consideration for merit in the replacement process. It alleges that individuals are being appointed based on personal preferences rather than qualifications and merit, further exacerbating the injustice faced by the affected teachers.