5236 Projects Completed In Quake-hit AJK: Farooq Haider

5236 projects completed in quake-hit AJK: Farooq Haider

MIRPUR (AJK) , (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point news - 2nd September, 2016): Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider Khan said that his government will ensure early completion of reconstruction and rehabilitation projects in earthquake hit areas of AJK.

The projects could not be completed in time due to lack of financial resources, he said.

"However, the AJK government will be moving to the Federal government for provision of due funds for the completion of these projects in the quake-hit zone, he said while chairing a high level meeting in the State Capital on Friday.

He said 5236 projects out of 7743 have been completed in quake-hit AJK areas. The remaining projects would be completed after receiving the funds, he added.