AJK Govt Determined To Implement Its Development Agenda: AJK PM

AJK govt determined to implement its development agenda: AJK PM

MIRPUR ( AJK) :, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Dec, 2023) Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has said that the coalition government was hectically engaged in its efforts to solve people's problems and implement its development agenda in the state.

While talking to a public delegation that called on him at Jammu Kashmir House in the Federal metropolis on Friday, the prime minister said that the development committee meeting of the cabinet has approved projects for the entire state.

"Special focus has been placed on the development of the backward areas to bring them at par with the developed areas", he said, adding that development funds would be distributed to all the constituency segments on an equal basis. He said that all the institutions of the state were performing their duties well within their jurisdiction.

Reiterating his commitment to serve the masses, the PM said that being an elected representative he enjoyed the full support and confidence of the people of Azad Kashmir and the members of the assembly.

Expressing his satisfaction over the prevailing political stability in Azad Kashmir, the PM said that the coalition government's main focus was on the development and citizens' well-being. He said that some leaders were fond of playing with public sentiments while some kept talking senselessly to stay alive in the news. He said that the people of Azad Kashmir were fully aware of such kinds of leaders, and their deeds.

"The system cannot be derailed to merely fulfil someone's desire", he added.

He said that taxpayers' money would be spent on the welfare of people. The delegation appreciated the good governance initiatives of the prime minister.