Dec 16 Tragic Day For Pakistan: Kirmani


Dec 16 tragic day for Pakistan: Kirmani

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th Dec, 2016 ) : Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs Dr Asif Kirmani Friday said December 16 was the worst day in the history of Pakistan because of the separation of East Pakistan and the barbaric terror attack at Army Public school (APS), Peshawar.

He was speaking at a ceremony organized by Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation (IMC) here in remembrance of the martyrs of APS Peshawar. He said on this day, Pakistan was divided and two years back, the tragic incident happened at APS Peshawar in which a few blood thirsty beasts snatched away children from their parents.

The heirs of those children, he said, were not only their parents but all the 200 million people of the country. The nation was determined not to rest till eradication of terrorism, he added. Quran Khawani was also held and special prayers were offered for the victims on the occasion.

Dr Asif said two years had passed but the nation was still in the state of mourning as every child was "a flower of our garden". He said it was a big tragedy which saddened Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif tearful and united the whole nation.

Dr Asif said on the direction of Prime Minister, Pakistan Army started the operation Zarb-e-Azb against the terrorists, who were now on the run. He said the whole nation could feel the pain inflicted on this day two years ago.

"The atrocity against children could not be forgotten." Dr Kirmani said today was the day of renewing pledge that the country would be cleansed of the menace of terrorism. He said the day was not far off when Pakistan would get rid of terrorism and loadshedding would also end.

Dr Kirmani expressed solidarity with the victims of the tragedy, on behalf of the Prime Minister and said they shared grief of the pain stricken parents. Member AJK Legislative Assembly Pir Syed Ali Raza Bukhari prayed for the martyrs and progress and prosperity of the country.

IMC Mayor Sheikh Ansar Aziz and Deputy Mayor Zeeshan Naqvi also spoke on the occasion. A large number of workers of Capital Development Authority and IMC were present at the ceremony.