Education Plays Key Role In Building Of Nation: Baligh


Education plays key role in building of nation: Baligh

ISLAMABAD, Dec 6 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 06th Dec, 2016 ) : Minister of State for Federal Education, Engr Muhammad Baligh Ur Rehman Tuesday said that education played a pivotal role in building of a nation as Holy Prophet (PBUH) had also emphasized upon its importance in islam.

Attending the 12th Convocation of Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST) held here, he urged the participants to act like a civilized nation to meet the challenges of current times and avail the opportunities with full devotion.

"We have many challenges to face in our country but things are getting improved day by day", stressed the minister. Speaking to the students, he said that we all should stay positive and strive for the right cause.

It is heartening to note that CUST had awarded 20 PhDs degree today in the field of engineering, IT and Management Sciences, he said and added, hopefully these degree holders would direct their energies towards the growth of this country.

Baligh ur Rahman also appreciated the Punjab Government especially Mian Amir Mehmood for his contribution towards quality education. He also congratulated the 734 graduating students, their parents, faculty members of the university on this auspicious occasion.

In the end, Vice Chancellor CUST, Mian Mansur Ahmed presented a token of appreciation to the State Minister. Ceremony was attended by the Deans of different departments, faculty members, students and their parents.