EPA-Sindh Closes Down Two Sugar Mills For Violating Environmental Laws


EPA-Sindh closes down two sugar mills for violating environmental laws

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Dec, 2016 ) : Sindh Environment Protection Agency (EPA-Sindh) has closed the production process of two sugar mills in Hyderabad and Mirpurkhas districts after the mills allegedly failed to comply with the environmental regulations.

The SEPA's Regional Director Munir Abbassi informed APP here Thursday that the production process of the Dighri Sugar Mills and Seri Sugar Mills had been closed. "The SEPA issued notices to 18 sugar mills out of 22 in the region for compliance with the environmental regulations.

But due to their non-compliance we for the first time have begin taking actions for the mills' environmentally hazardous actions," he told. According to Regional Director, those mills release contaminated water in canals and water courses besides emitting unclean fumes in the air.

He said the health of the local people had deeply affected due to that environmental pollution. "We will take action on daily basis and close all those mills which are violating the regulations," he said.

He explained that the process of closing mills production system took the SEPA and police between 6 to 7 hours due to which they had been unable to take action against more than one mill each day.

"We have told all mills to submit undertaking on affidavit along with a technical plan of installing the in-house effluent treatment systems. The closed mills will be allowed to resume their operation only when they submit that undertaking," he told.