Federal Ombudsman's Decision Enables Payment To Postal Life Insurance Policyholders


Federal Ombudsman's decision enables payment to Postal Life Insurance policyholders

ABBOTTABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Jun, 2024) The intervention of Federal Ombudsman Ejaz Ahmed Qureshi has enabled Postal Life Insurance policyholders to receive their due payments.

According to a news release, the policyholders had lodged complaints with the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat Abbottabad that the Postal Life Insurance had failed to pay their dues after the maturity of their policies.

Regional in-charge Federal Ombudsman Secretariat in Abbottabad Abdul Ghafoor Baig issued notices to the Postal Life Insurance Department.

Following a thorough investigation, Federal Ombudsman Ejaz Ahmed Qureshi ordered the officers of Postal Life Insurance to immediately disburse the outstanding amounts to the policyholders.

"This decision resulted in the complainants receiving their overdue payments," the news release said.

The policyholders expressed their gratitude to the Federal Ombudsman and the institution for resolving their longstanding issue.

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