Hajj Flight Operation From Sialkot To Start On Sunday

Hajj flight operation from Sialkot to start on Sunday

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) In-charge Hajj Operations Syed Majeeb Shah has said that the first Hajj flight from Sialkot PK-717 will take off for Saudi Arabia with 301 male and female pilgrims from Sialkot International Airport Limited (SIAL) on (Sunday).

Talking to APP, he said that all necessary arrangements had been completed for the operation. 

He said that the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and AirSial would transport 3,450 male and female pilgrims to Saudi Arabia through 12 direct Hajj flights from Sialkot International Airport Limited (SIAL) here.

"Due to construction of runway at SIAL, 3 flights carrying 605 pilgrims have already departed from Lahore to Saudi Arabia.

Provincial Minister for Local Government Zeeshan Rafiq, Director Hajj Central Punjab Muhammad Rizwan Sharif, airport administration, representatives of PIA and ASF were expected to see off the pilgrims of the first flight during a special ceremony scheduled to be held at SIAL under the auspices of the PIA , SIAL and Ministry of Religious Affairs on Sunday," he added.

He said that the Hajj operation would continue from May 19 to June 8.